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February 21, 2018 3 min read

Oil cleansing is something I resisted, it seemed really weird to me to wash your skin with oil, especially because I did suffer from oily skin & the odd pimple. It seemed counterintuitive to douse my skin in oil each night.

But oil cleansing is the bomb!!

You have to try it, my skin is softer, more supple, has no breakouts & doesn't dry out in winter now or get too oily in summer. It has really helped to balance my skin out.

I am a convert.

And the best part about Oil Cleansing is that you can custom create your own oil blend to address your skins issues.


So how does it work? 

It works on the like dissolves like theory. Your cleansing oil soaks deep into your pores to naturally & gently dissolve bacteria & dirt that is clogging up your pores. It then replaces this clogged up sebum with natural, soothing & healing plant oils that help to replenish your skin & natural radiance.

It really is magic in a bottle. Best thing of all is that after several weeks of using this method you will notice any blackheads disappearing & your pores diminishing. It is truly that magic if you consistently use the method each evening.

To make the oil cleansing method even more effective I also use our Konjac sponge to remove the oil. It adds a gentle exfoliation factor that helps to take the method to the next level.


So how do you oil cleanse?

Every evening rinse your face with warm water to begin opening your pores, take a small amount of oil (about a 5 cents piece worth) into your palm & gently massage it into your skin.

I like to do this in the shower as it helps to steam open your pores ( & multi-tasking :).

Massage the oil in for several minutes so it has time to deeply penetrate your pores & dissolve all the gunk from the day.

Then I simply wet my Konjac spongewith warm water & begin the process of removing the oil. The bubbly surface of the Konjac sponge will not only exfoliate your skin it will also trap any dirt or makeup on the sponge.

I rinse & gently squeeze out the sponge between each wipe until the sponge comes off clean & oil free.

There should still be some oil residue on your skin - you want this, it will go to work replenishing & restoring your skin while you sleep & if you have oily skin like me you won't need to moisturise the oil will do it for you.

Once Im out of the shower & have dried my face, I simply spritz with some Organic Witchhazel water to tone my skin & close my pores.


The below recipe is the recipe I am using at the moment & this is why?

 Castor oil is naturally astringent & will pull impurities from the skin  - this is why you find it in almost all Cleansing oils.

Jojoba oil is great for balancing oily, acne prone skin & is also very nourishing for your skin.

Camellia oil is a little different it is actually green tea oil, its super high in antioxidants & reduces the appearance of ageing while also being anti-inflammatory & mildly astringent.

Frankincense is great for oily skin, diminishing wrinkles & dark spots or pigmentation.

But you can make your own Cleansing Oil from just about any Organic Oils you can get your hands on. Just ensure that you don't go above 50% castor oil & that you also include oils that your skin finds nourishing like apricot or almond or even olive oil. The addition of essential oil is completely up to you, it just adds a few extra healing properties that I find my skin likes.

Skin Balancing, Anti-ageing Oil Cleanser Recipe
  • 3 teaspoons castor oil 
  • 5 teaspoons jojoba oil 
  • 2 teaspoons camelila oil 
  • 3 drops francincense essential oil


Measure your oils into an opaque or brown bottle (to stop the sun light making the oil rancid) mix together & viola you will have several weeks worth of cleansing oil.


NOTE - in the first week of using this method I did get a few breakouts, this is just your pores getting de-congested. By week 2 or 3 you should be seeing clearer more radiant skin & you will notice that your blackheads are disappearing.


Kailah Shannon
Kailah Shannon

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